Kitchen Talks: Poverty Английский разговорный клуб на важные темы с наших кухонь ● 17 апреля 19:30…21:30 ● Poverty is an incredibly diverse issue. Each country has its own situation, and the issues faced when we think of global poverty are even more complex. There are many different theories about how to reduce poverty, and many of them claim very different answers. Some believe that increasing social spending can help to people in need, while others believe that welfare creates less incentive to find work or take personal responsibility. And poverty in a country like Russia is even harder to discuss as it can be difficult to get accurate figures. For this week’s discussion, please read about opposing strategies for poverty reduction in “Top 10 Solutions to Cut Poverty” ( and “8 Conservative Policies That Will Reduce Poverty” ( To explore more about the issue of poverty in Russia, please read “Russia Can’t Decide If It’s Rich Or Poor” ( and “Ten Facts About Poverty In Russia” ( Come tell us what you think on Wensday! Свободная цена. Регистрируйтесь: 📍 Немецко-русский обмен, Лиговский, 87, офис 300

Теги других блогов: Russia poverty reduction English conversation club